JUNE 2022

JUNE  2022


Saturday, February 01, 2025



I think we have all seen his photo, but I doubt if many of you have seriously gazed into the chubby self satisfied face of President Chester A. Arthur and wondered what made him such a clothes horse? You ought to. It was the key to his character.
“Elegant Arthur” was a vain, shallow, mutton chopped political hack who owned 80 pairs of trousers, and who rarely wore the same pair twice. “Chet”, as his friends liked to call the 6 foot 2 inch dandy raconteur, spent more on hats than most Americans earned in a year. Chester was a product of the spoils system. In six years as the Collector of the Port of New York, with a salary of $6,500 a year, Chester amassed a fortune of $3 million. And yet it was not his sticky fingers which endangers his reputation to this day . It was his massive ego, which inspired him to tell one little white lie . He fibbed about how old he was.
Chester had never held elected office before joining the Republican national ticket in 1880. He was the choice of Senator Roscoe Conkling (above), boss of the Stalwarts -  the renamed Tammany Hall graft machine. 
The arrogant "Lord Roscoe" controlled all political favors in the state of New York, the most populous state in the nation. And in antebellum America nobody could win the Presidency without his approval. So, in the election of 1880 Conkling forced James Garfield to accept Chester Arthur as his Vice President. 
The Republicans needed the help. During the campaign Democrats spread the rumor that Chester Arthur had actually been born in Ireland,  and thus was not eligible to serve as Vice President. Candidate Arthur refused to even dignify the charge with a response, even though at least one Republican politician wondered why Chester didn't just “say where he was born, and put an end to all this mystery.”
King Roscoe's help made all the difference. Out of 4 million votes cast that Tuesday, 8 November, 1880, Garfield and Chester Arthur received just 1,898 more votes than Civil War hero Winfield Scott Hancock and Indiana banker William English. It was a bitter pill for the Democrats to swallow. But if Garfield was President, he was firmly in the pocket of the senior Senator from New York. 
Then, in December, President-elect Garfield started ignoring Conkling's picks for cabinet positions, Infuriated, King Roscoe decided to remind Garfield just how powerful he was. He resigned from the Senate. His plan was that the New York state senate would immediately and obediently re-elect him. But Roscoe had made too many enemies. After  a two month long battle, Conkling was replaced by the one term non-entity, Elbridge Gerry Lapham,  And that quick, Garfield became undisputed head of the Republican Party, determined to rid American politics of corrupt king makers - like Conkling. 
That December the drama of Conkling's fall filled the front pages of America's newspapers. But in the middle of the month, a small item in the back pages of The New York Times noted that Arthur P. Hinman, working for the Democratic party, had arrived in St. Albans, Vermont, to investigate the new Vice President-elect Chester Arthur's ancestry. If Chester noticed that small item in the paper, and I bet he did, it must have made him more than a little nervous.
They had picked their man well. He was a loyal Democrat with a flexible moral compass. Hinman was just scrapping by as a lawyer with offices at 14 Wall Street. But he saw himself as a noble warrior, and was given to writing poetry. Recently he had even been published in the Harper’s Magazine. That poem began, "My back is to the wall, My face is to my foes, That surge and gather around me, Like waves that winter blows”.  And this was the combative and contentious romantic bull dog  who set up shop in the town of St. Albans, 15 miles south of the Canadian border. 
Interviewed by the Times in the American Hotel at the corner of Main and Lake Streets,  Himman claimed his investigation had uncovered that Chester A. Arthur was actually, “born in Canada....that he was 50 years old in July instead of October...and generally that he is an alien and ineligible to the office of Vice-President.” It would prove hard to disprove the allegation. Vermont did not begin recording and issuing birth certificates until 1857 - 28 years and a month after Arthur's birth. Yet, the tiny article, printed under the headline “Material For a Democratic Lie”, caused barely a hiccup back in Washington. After all Chester was just the vice president. He did not matter.
Still, it was just one more reason why, after taking the oath in March of 1881, President Garfield had bared Chester Arthur from even entering the White House (above). Garfield had decided on civil service reform, doing away with the profitable spoils system.  of which Arthur was a prime example.
Then, on 2  July , in a Washington, D.C. train station, President Garfield was gunned down. In September, 88 days later, Garfield died of blood poisoning, and abruptly, the charming but vapid Chester A. Arthur was President, and the assassin had publicly tied the new POTUS to the murder.
What happened next did not improve the trouser snake's public image. Chester refused to occupy the executive mansion until Lewis Comfort Tiffany had spent two months and lots of public money redecorating it, with pomegranate plush drapes and a floor to ceiling ornate wood and glass screen (above) jammed into the main entrance hall. To complete the grotesque gilded age transformation of a national monument, 24 wagon loads of historical paintings, furniture and furnishings accumulated by Presidents John Adams through Ulysses Grant were sold at auction. It was just one more reason why a journalist would later write, “No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted as Chester Alan Arthur.”
The Democrats saw a quick opening, but Hinman rushed his shot and he missed. His new conspiracy theory presented in the fall and winter of 1881, was a repeat of what he had told the Times, with a few more details. But again the story fell apart. This time there was the testimony of doctor Chester Abell, r who delivered the future President. The Chester Arthur was even named after Chester Abell.
Dr. Abel insisted Chester had been born in tiny Fairfield, Vermont, about half way between St Albans and the Canadian border. 
And although the father, William Arthur (above), had not become a naturalized American citizen until 1843, there was no doubt Chester's mother, Malvina, born in 1821, was blatantly American born. 
Malvina's (above) grandfather had fought in the American Revolutionary Army, for crying out loud. So when Chester Arthur was born in October of 1830 he was automatically an American citizen, like his mother, no matter what his father's status.  And once President Chester Arthur began to crusade for the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, his public image improved and most people forgot the Democratic smear.  In fact the public began to notice that Chester was just so...likeable. It even began to look as if he might even run for re-election. And that meant that Arthur Hinman would be back.
Lawyer Hineman's third theory was a nice little story. See, Malvina's parents had lived for years just 8 miles over the border, in Dunham, Quebec (above).  William and Malvina had met and eloped in Dunham. 
So it would have perfectly natural for Malvina to seek her mother's help in minding her four older girls when it came time to deliver Chester (above) in the fall of 1830.  And as for Dr. Abel's testimony, well, the old man was just confused. See, two years earlier,  in 1828, there had been another son, named Chester Abel Arthur, born in Fairfield, Vermont. That 1828 infant was the child Dr. Abel had remembered. But that baby had died before his first birth day. There was no record of the 1828 birth, or the 1828 death. Bu then there was no record of Arthur's 1830 birth either, not in Vermont or Canada. But, said Hinman, that was the way it had happened.  
Years later, when applying to Union College in Schenectady New York, young Chester Alan Arthur (above) had appropriated his dead brother's birth date and location, making him an American citizen and qualifying him for student aid.  It was such a good story that Hinman put it all down in a book, “How A British Subject Became President of the United States”, which Democratic publishers were happy to release in the summer of 1884, with another Presidential election approaching. That same year, with the popular Arthur likely to be on the ballot, the new theory was summarized  in an article Hineman  wrote for the Brooklyn Eagle Newspaper.  And that got reprinted all over the country.
It might have caught on. It might have become a majestic conspiracy theory, like the rabbit Alice followed, or a million other myths created by political hacks.  And the Democratic party might have fallen down that rabbit hole in the election of 1884. The American people have always been drawn to conspiracy theories, be it FDR sacrificing Pearl Harbor in 1941, or  Lee Harvey Oswald's claim he was a patsy in November of 1963, or the black helicopters hiding in National Parks in the 1990's, or even Donald Trump's malicious lies about a stolen election.  

But reality intervened in 1884 when President Chester Arthur fell ill with a kidney infection and decided not to run for re-election. And as quickly as that, Arthur Hinman lost his livelihood. He had become irrelevant, the Jeb Bush of his age, leaving behind a brown smudge as his only contribution to the historical record.
Chester Alan Arthur left the White House in March of 1885 a very sick man. On 16 November, 1886 he ordered his son to burn all his personal papers, reducing to ashes all the shady deals he had cut while a loyal Stalwart for Senator Conkling.  And then on 18 November, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and died. Mark Twain, the man who had invented the title “Gilded Age”, offered a powerful obituary; “It would be hard indeed to better President Arthur's administration”
After his work as a hatched man dried up, Arthur Hinman suffered the roller coaster life of a political flunky, in with one administration, out with the next. His law business fell off and his was forced to move to cheaper space at 644 Hancock street in Brooklyn. But then the worm turned again and by 1901 he was back at 375 Fulton Street, just blocks from City Hall in Manhattan.  But he never lost his pugnaciousness. 
In October of 1904, the now aging lawyer got into a fist fight with an undertaker, a Mr. Joseph P. Pouch. Hinman had represented Pouch's  wife in their divorce case, and when the judge awarded her custody of their 7 year old child, Arthur Hinman offered to effect the transfer, to avoid an unpleasant  confrontation. With any other lawyer that might have worked. But Hinman was never one to suffer an insult. He belted Joe in the eye, and Joe pounded Himman in the face and head. Poor Joe got arrested for contempt of court, and Mrs. Pouch got her child. 
And Arthur Hinman got the fight he always relished. It was straight out of  the final stanza of his poem, where Arthur recalls his “life of combat”; "I stand, poor speck of dust, Defiant, self reliant, To die – if die I must.” Well, hell, we all must.
And the mystery of Chester Alan Arthur's birth would not be finally be answered until 1949 when Chester A. Arthur's great-grandson donated the family bible to the New York Public Library. And there, recorded in the handwriting of the President's father, William Arthur, are listed in order, the births of all nine of his children. 
The name of the first male and fifth child is indeed Chester Alan Arthur. But the birth date is October 5, 1829. It was the same year William Arthur was elected to the school board in Fairfield, Vermont. And all the great mystery and drama compounded by politicians over the birth place of President Chester Alan Arthur, boiled down to a  vain man's vanity about his age. He wanted to appear a year younger than he actually was.  Simple, and foolish. But human.

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Friday, January 31, 2025



It was a “Tempest” worthy of William Shakespeare only because Albert Bacon Fall (above) was a scoundrel of Shakespearian proportions, a self made legal sorcerer and a bombastic, selfish, and vulgar cowboy Caliban.  His villainous reputation was established by a mysterious double murder in the New Mexico desert.

But the climax was staged adjacent to a 75 foot tall sandstone butte (above) some thought resembled a tea pot, which gave its name to the scandal which finally brought our reprobate down. But the true scandal was Albert Fall's entire greedy life.

You taught me language; and my profit on't Is, I know how to curse.”
Caliban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act I, Scene 2
Near the low crest of Chalk Hill (above) the search party found a patch of blood soaked sand and some papers belonging to 57 year old Republican lawyer Albert. J. Fountain.  A hundred yards further on, Mescalero Apache scouts found where a man had knelt in ambush, the casings ejected from his rifle still in the dust. 
The buggy tracks led eastward 12 miles into the Jarillas Mountains (above, bg), where the search party found Fountain's carriage “plundered and abandoned.”  Still in the buggy was a note reading, “If you drop this we will be your friends. If you go on with it you will never reach home alive.” And stuffed under the seat was a kerchief wrapped around some change, belonging to 8 year old Henry Fountain. Neither the father's nor the son's body was ever found.
The clouds methought would open and show riches, Ready to drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried to dream again.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act III, Scene 2
When he was a Democrat and accused of masterminding the 1896 double homicide of Albert Fountain and his 8 year old son Henry, Albert Fall said it was just Republicans trying to “crucify innocent Democrats”.  Except Fountain had just obtained criminal indictments against Albert Fall and 23 of his clients and friends.  With Fountain's murder, those cases now collapsed. 
In a courthouse jammed with the alleged killer's allies (above), threatened and intimidated witnesses simply failed to show up. There was no chance of a conviction, but Albert Fall still managed to be arrogant and offensive in his one sided victory. The Democrats were both (above, foreground) found not guilty. And then, two years later, Albert Fall switched parties and became a Republican. And all his friends found it profitable to go with him.
I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th' island; And I will kiss thy foot: I prithee, be my god.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act II, Scene 2
After having fought statehood for years as a Democrat, in 1912  when statehood came, newly minted Republican Albert Fall became one of New Mexico's first elected U.S. Senators.  In Washington, D.C., Albert became famous for two things - his alcohol fueled poker parties with Ohio Senator Warren G. Harding, and his unrelenting animosity toward Democratic President Woodrow Wilson. 
When the racist Wilson suffered a stroke in 1919, Albert alleged he had been rendered mentally incompetent, and demanded to test the Democratic President's mental acuity.  At the  October examination, Senator Fall hypocritically assured the bedridden Wilson, “I have been praying for you, Sir.” Looking up at his torturer, Wilson inquired, “Which way, Senator?” Albert joined in the laughter, but in November of 1920 it was Senator Fall's drinking buddy, Republican Warren G. Harding who was elected President over Wilson.
Ban, 'Ban, Cacaliban, Has a new master: get a new man. Freedom, hey-day! hey-day, freedom!”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act II, Scene 2
Harding wanted Albert Fall to be his Secretary of State, but party leaders insisted on someone more trustworthy. Said Harding, “If Albert Fall isn't an honest man, I'm not fit to be President of the United States.” When the party leaders refused to back down Harding named Albert his Secretary of the Department of the Interior, a branch of government Albert had been denouncing for decades. Almost the first thing after taking the oath in the spring of 1921 (above), Secretary Fall cajoled Harding into giving him control over the U.S. Naval Oil Reserves in California and Wyoming. 
Fall (above, left)  then quickly granted a no-bid lease for the two reserves in California to oilman Edward Doheny (above, right). 
In December,  Albert (above, left) did the same for oilman Harry Ford Sinclair (above, left), granting him sole access to the Tea Pot Dome field (below) in Wyoming, also known as Naval Reserve Number Three.
Do that good mischief which may make this island Thine own for ever, and I, thy Caliban, For aye thy foot-licker.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act IV, Scene 1
In the spring of 1922, the railroad town of Casper, Wyoming, 35 miles south of the dome, was abuzz with rumors and equipment bearing the name Mammoth Oil Company which had suddenly invaded the naval reserve. Competitors like New Yorker James Darden quickly pierced that deception, and certain the lease granted to Sinclair was not legal, Colonel Darden decided to become Sinclair's unofficial partner by drilling his own well sideways, into the same dome. As Fall himself explained, “Sir, if you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake and my straw reaches across the room, I’ll end up drinking your milkshake."
I will have none on't: we shall lose our time, And all be turn'd to barnacles, or to apes With foreheads villanous low.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act IV Scene 1
The problem for Secretary Fall was the “low down son-of-a-bitch” Darden “was an old friend of President Harding. So on a Saturday afternoon, while the Secretary of the Navy was out of the office, Fall told the the Acting Secretary that Harding wanted “squatters” thrown off the dome. Fall added there was ample legal precedent for using U.S. Marines for this duty. There was none, but Fall never showed reluctance in lying to make a profit. 
Within the week Captain George K. Shuler and four enlisted marines were slapping “No Trespassing” signs and padlocks on Colonel Darden's well. And because this was done in front of reporters, Albert Fall had finally taken one step too far.
"I shall laugh myself to death at this puppy-headed monster. A most scurvy monster! I could find in my heart to beat him."
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act II Scene 2
Long annoyed by Fall's arrogance, the Senate majority Republicans allowed a Democrat from Montana, Senator Thomas Walsh  to investigate the oil leases. 
And when Walsh's investigating committee (above) issued it's first subpoena for documents, Fall responded by burying Walsh in a literal truck load of paper. 
It slowed Walsh, but Darden's complaints finally caused President Harding (above) to separate himself from his old drinking buddy. In March of 1923, Albert Fall was forced to resign from the cabinet, first going to work for Harry Sinclair and then returning to his own 750,000 acre New Mexico ranch, which he called "Three Rivers".  
And then, in August of 1923, President Harding dropped dead of a heart attack. The new President, an honest prig named Calvin Coolidge (above), looking over the looming disaster, decided to make Albert  the fall guy, sacrificing him to the growing public outcry over the massive fraud that had been the Harding/Coolidge administration.
How does thy honor? Let me lick thy shoe.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act III Scene 2
The truck load of documents supplied to Senator Walsh provided enough heat to keep the scandal simmering for two years. Called before the committee three times Albert swore under oath - once in writing - that he had done nothing illegal.  But late in 1925 questions began to be asked about how Fall had paid for the many improvements to his Three Rivers ranch.  
When put under oath Albert's own son-in-law, M.T. Everhard, was forced to admit he had accepted $198,000 in federal bonds from Harry Sinclair's own hand,  and delivered them to Secretary Fall's own hand. There was also a no interest “loan” of $36,000 from Sinclair, and one of $100,000 in cash from Edward Doheny, the little black bag delivered to "Three Rivers Ranch"  by Edward Doheny's son Ned, and his "friend and body guard" Hugh Plunket.  
In 1927 the Supreme Court ruled the leases on all naval oil reserves were invalid, and control and profits and the pumping of oil, went back to the U.S. Navy.
“First to possess his books; for without them He's but a sot, as I am, nor hath not One spirit to command: they all do hate him, As rootedly as I — burn but his books.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act III, Scene 2
When the federal case went to trial in Los Angeles in 1930. humorist Will Rodgers cracked that Doheny's defense team took up three full Pullman railroad cars. The first car was “Just for the little lawyers...to carry the brief cases.” In the third car, said Rodgers, were “the big ones that were in real touch with Mr. Doheny.”  Harry Sinclair's defense team in his Cheyenne, Wyoming trial, took up at least four Pullman cars, according to Rodgers.
Thou liest, thou jesting monkey, thou: I would my valiant monster would destroy thee: I do not lie.
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act III Scene 2
Edward Doheny paid a high price for his involvement with Albert Fall. In 1929, under pressure by prosecutors for one of them to flip, Ned Doheny and Hugh Plunket died in what appeared to be a murder/suicide. Still, the next year, Edward was found not guilty of bribery. The jury even broke into song after rendering their decision. One disgusted U.S. Senator was prompted to observe, “It is impossible to convict a million dollars in the United States“   But the old oil man did not have the heart to celebrate. 
Edward Doheny (above) served just 3 months for contempt of Congress, but he never recovered from the death of his only son. He died in September of 1935, still one of the richest men in Southern California. The mansion built for the young Doheny and where the murder/suicide occurred, still stands empty in Beverly Hills, as a state park and is often used as a location for movies. 
I'll not serve him, he is not valiant.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act III Scene 2
In Wyoming, Harry Sinclair (above) received a mistrial after it was discovered his private detectives had been shadowing members of the jury. He was never retried for the bribery, but he was sentenced to six months for contempt of court, which he served in the District of Columbia city jail. He also died one of the richest men in Southern California, in January of 1949
What a thrice-double ass Was I, to take this drunkard for a god And worship this dull fool!”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act V Scene 1
Albert Bacon Fall was the only member of an administration awash in bribes, arrogant enough and clumsy enough to be convicted of accepting a bribe. He remains the only cabinet member in American History (so far) to be sentenced to prison for crimes committed while in office. He served nine months. When he was released in May of 1932 (above), Doheny repossessed Fall's beloved Three Rivers ranch for not repaying the bribe, for which Doheny had been found “not guilty” of paying him.
Fall died a bitter old man,  at the end of November, 1944 in his El Paso Texas mansion, still arguing to the last that his conviction was just political payback. 
I doubt that Albert and the young Henry Fountain (above), still lying decomposed somewhere out there in the New Mexico desert, would agree.
Flout 'em and scout 'em, And scout 'em and flout 'em, Thought is free.”
Caloban - Shakespeare's “The Tempest” Act V Scene 1
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