JUNE 2022

JUNE  2022


Saturday, February 19, 2022



I think the Roman historian Plutarch always told a good story. His tale of the death of Pompey the Great is a perfect example. According to Plutarch, after losing at Pharsalus, Pompey sought refuge in Egypt, seeking out the son of an old debtor of his,  fourteen year old Theos Philopator, Pharaoh of Egypt, also known as Ptolemy 13. Interesting number, don't you think? 
You see, Ptolemy 13 was in Pelusium (above), the silt plagued port and fortress at the eastern edge of the Nile delta, because he was avoiding his sisters, both of whom were trying to kill him. It was a great confused mess, and a very bad time to arrive in Egypt seeking help. But then Pompey's timing had never been very good.
Pompey's arrival on 29 September, 48 B.C.E., had presented Ptolemy 13's advisors with a bit of a conundrum. If they helped Pompey they would anger Julius Caesar, who had just defeated Pompey's army at Pharsalus. It they sent Pompey packing and he later won his civil war with Caesar, Pompey would make sure bad things happened to Ptolemy 13 and his advisers. There was a simple solution to this problem, and I am surprised it never occurred to Pompey. It did occur to Ptolemy 13's (above) advisers.
They sent a boat out to Pompey's ships, which were anchored just outside the harbor of Pelesium.
A Roman centurion named Septimius, who had been sent to Egypt by Pompey to reinstate Ptolemy 12, Ptolemy 13's father, stood up in the boat and assured his old commander that it was safe to come ashore. Then one of Ptolemy's generals, Achillas  called out that the Pharaoh was very busy but could give Pompey a few minutes of his time, right now, if he would just accompany them ashore at once. 
It smelled fishy, but Pompey really had very little choice. Pompey could see Ptolemy 13 waiting on his litter on the beach. Pompey needed water, and food, and somebody who knew the coastline down to Tunisia, where he had more legions and allies...So the old fool got in the boat.
He never made it to shore alive. According to Plutarch, as the boat passed the breakwater, Pompey was rehearsing his Greek greetings for the Ptolemy 13, when Septimius stabbed him in the back.
They dragged the boat ashore and then dragged Pompey up on the sand and chopped off his head  It was a cold and heartless thing to do, particularly since Pompey's wife was watching from the galley off shore. But it wasn't anything Pompey hadn't done to countless others. 
And that was the death of Pompey the Great, one of the most overrated generals in history, a man whose greatest sin was in believing his own press releases, which he had written.
That was one problem solved, leaving Ptolemy 13's advisers with the original problem, his elder sister and her hired army. She was hovering out in the Sinai desert.  It  looked as if she was about to be easily be crushed by Ptolemy 13's army when, just two days later- 1 October, 48 B.C. - yet another Roman annoyance arrived off shore. 
This time it was Julius Caesar (above), with a single Roman legion. Dutifully, the advisers of Ptolemy 13 sent a boat out to Caesar, carrying the head of Pompey.  But if Ptolemy 13's advisers expected Caesar to thank them for eliminating his enemy and sail off back to Rome, leaving them free to finish off their business without further distraction, they were sadly mistaken. Oh, Caesar did sail off from Pelusium. He just didn't didn't sail for Rome.
A few days later Caesar landed in Alexandria and took over the royal palace.
I honestly don't know if Caesar really cried when he saw Pompey's head. He said he did. But Caesar must have known the instant he looked into those foggy dead eyes that he had won his civil war. There was more fighting to be done, of course. He would have to move on to Tunisia, to finish off Pompey's troops there. But there was no longer any need to rush. 
With Pompey dead the Senate aristocrats had lost their champion and rallying point. Caesar could allow their army in Tunisia to wither on the vine a little, while he took advantage of an opportunity right here in Egypt. Ptolemy's army at Pelusium might be blocking his sister's army from entering Egypt, but Caesar's 5,500 man force in Alexandria was sitting on the Egyptian treasury, the gold used to pay Ptolemy 13's army. 
To paraphrase an American Vietnam War era general, grab them by their ingots and their hearts and minds will follow. Caesar now summed both Ptolemy 13 and both his sisters to Alexandria to settle their civil war. And to be honest with you, I don't think Caesar particularly cared of them, if any of them, showed up.
It turned out they all did - Ptolemy 13 and his two sisters, Asinoe 4, and Cleopatra 7. Ptolemy 13 had the easier time getting to the Alexandria, but even Cleo made it, even though she had to first slip around her brother's army and be smuggled into the palace in a rolled up carpet - if you believe Plutarch. But once she was there, Caesar was required to protect her since he had summoned her. And as Caesar was a heterosexual (mostly), he quickly fell under the spell of this extraordinary young woman.
She was 21, and he was 52. He came from a world where women were not allowed to compete with men. The only thing that had kept her head on her shoulders to this point was her brains. A modern Egyptologist described the lady this way, “Cleopatra was a mistress of disguise and costume. She could reinvent herself to suit the occasion, and I think that's a mark of the consummate politician.” 
Was she a great beauty? Plutarch, who was born a half-century after she died, wrote that she was not. But he also consulted every word written about her by people who had known her, and the consensus was that “her presence...was irresistible.... (Her) character...was something bewitching.” Wrote another Roman historian, she was “...brilliant to look upon and to listen to, with the power to subjugate every one, even a love-sated man already past his prime.” By all indications, the love-sated old man succumbed the very first night.
The advisers of Ptolemy 13 saw which way the perfumed wind was blowing, and they did not like it.
They formed a secret alliance with Cleopatra's younger sister, Asinoe 4. She slipped out of Alexandria and hurried to join Ptolemy 13's army at Pelusium. 
But, once there she started calling herself Pharaoh, and when the commander of the Army, General Achillas, the man who had helped trick Pompey to his death, protested her use of the title, she had him killed. Well, turn about is fair play, isn't it? The army did not approve of the lady's ego trip, and offered her in trade for Ptolemy 13. For some reason Caesar accepted the deal, probably because Ptolemy 13 swore he would surrender his army to Caesar. But once back with his army, Ptolemy 13 and his advisers chose to lay siege to Caesar in Alexandria in December of 48 B.C.
Caesar was trapped in the city, with just one legion, and that was not enough. But he had already called for reinforcements, and when they arrived in early January of 47 B.C. they smashed Ptolemy 13's army. 
On January 13, the fifteen year old Ptolemy 13 was drowned in the Nile, maybe by accident and maybe by a bribed Egyptian. But however the boy died, Cleopatra 7 was now the Pharaoh in Egypt. Caesar had Asinoe 4 placed under arrest, probably to protect her from Cleopatra – the lady had an understandably heightened sense of self preservation.
Just 8 months after Cleopatra 7 first rolled out of a carpet at the feet of Julius Caesar, on 23 June, 47 BC, she gave birth to a son. It was observed that as the boy, who Cleo 7 named Caesarian, grew, he greatly resembled Caesar. He was one of two males who may have been Caesar's sons. The other was the child of Caesar's widowed girlfriend, Servilla. That boy, whom Caesar never officially adopted, was Marcus Junius Brutus.
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Friday, February 18, 2022


I know little about the officer Crastinus, except that he died on 7 June, 48 B.C.E. of a sword wound to the mouth. I know that on this day, as he was about to face the 45,000 men in Pompey's army, Crastinus swore an oath to his own commander. “General, I will act in such a manner today that you will feel grateful to me, living or dead.” 

This is not to say that Crastinus was happy to be on the banks of the river Epinus River,   just north of the central Greek town of Pharsalus (modern Farsala) (above). 
But we can be certain he had already proven his bravery and his ability to inspire men, else he would not have achieved the rank of Centurion, entrusted this day with directing 80 of the men in Caesar's 22,000 man army. The men in his Century depended upon Crastinus. He was the second most important man in their lives, after Julius Caesar.
Caesar had crossed the Rubicon on 11 January,  49 B.C. with less than 4,000 men. His primary opponent, Pompey the Great, had more than twice that many men defending the walls of Rome. But less than a week later, without even offering battle, Pompey, most of his army and most of the Senate aristocrats fled Italy, sailing for Epirus, in north western Greece. 
That left the center stage of Rome (above) to Caesar. First he got his hands on the treasury. Then, what remained of the Senate voted him dictator for a year. Caesar ordered all government posts abandoned by the aristocrats to be filled by his allies. That gave him political control of  the city and its bureaucracy.  Still, he was caught between Pompey's Spanish legions and Pompey himself, gathering new legions and allies in Greece.
The Latin word for a Roman soldier, “legionnaire”, meant a military conscript, who was drafted under the Republic to serve for 6 years. The professionals, who were beginning to dominate the Roman Army, signed 25 year contracts. For non-Romans, such as his Gaul recruits, an honorable discharge meant Roman citizenship and a plot of farmland upon which they could retire. And most who signed up, made it to retirement - for every hour a legionary spent on a battlefield like Pharsalus he spent years drilling. It was said of Caesar (but could have been said of any good Roman general) that his drills were bloodless battles and that his battles were bloody drills.
In late March of 49 B.C.Caesar left Rome and crossed the Alps, where he met three of his legions from Gaul.  Without pausing, he now forced the passes through the Pyrenees mountains, and outside of the Spanish village of Illerda confronted Pompey's legions. Caesar had covered the 800 miles so quickly – just 27 days – that Pompey's troops were caught unprepared and were defeated. On August 2nd all five of Pompey's Spanish legions surrendered, and rather than being disbanded were integrated into Caesar's forces.
The core formation of the Roman Army was always the squad of 8 men, called a contubernium, who shared a barracks room or a tent, and a mule to carry their supplies. Ten such groups, or 80 men, formed a century (a company) , six centuries formed a cohort (a battalion), and a legion (a division) was made up of 10 cohorts. Everything they did was a standardized drill. 
They even ended each day's march by building a standardized camp (above). A legionary could walk into any camp from Judea, to Britain, to Africa, and walk directly to the armory, the barracks, or the stables. The basic plan for European and American cities grew out of the standardized design of Roman Army camps.
By early 48 B.C. Caesar had gathered three legions in Brundisium, at the heel on the Italian boot. He still lacked enough ships to carry all his men across the Adriatic to Greece, but so eager was he to come to grips with Pompey, that Caesar sailed with just half his force.
 For once, Pompey moved quickly. His ships cut Caesar off from reinforcement, and his larger army forced Caesar’s men into battle at Dyrrhachium (above), in what is today Albania.
Caesar lost 1,000 men and would have been destroyed, had Pompey not become cautious, and Mark Anthony not finally slipped the rest of Caesar’s legions through Pompey's blockade. The two Roman armies now began a dance, moving southwestward, down the Greek peninsula, until, by late May they had reached the plain of Pharsalus, where Caesar’s men grew so hungry, they could march no further.
At Pharsalus Caesar’s legionaries were facing fellow legionaries and neither side had a technological advantage. Pompey's larger army held the high ground. That meant that Caesar’s hungry men would have to attack uphill. Pompey formed each of his legions as usual, three ranks deep, with three feet between each man. But Caesar thinned out his men to add a fourth line. It seemed a minor alteration.

After throwing their spears, each Century battered into the enemy with their shields, strapped to their left forearm. The overlapping shield walls pushed and shoved the enemy, the enemy pushing and shoving back. A Roman battle was mostly this, a brutal shoving match, both sides looking for an opening to thrust in their 2 foot long gladius (sword) with their right arms. 
Every 90 seconds the Centurion would blow his whistle (above). The front rank would sidestep right and backward. The fresh second rank would surge forward, pushing and shoving. The exhausted rank would then fall back to the third line, to rest. As long as both armored sides maintained their discipline, the causalities in ancient battles were few. But the instant either side broke formation, showing their vulnerable sides and backs to the enemy, the slaughter would begin
On Caesar’s right, Pompey's cavalry scattered their weaker opponents. But this uncovered Caesar’s fourth line of legionaries. Caesar's incessant drilling allowed his men in the midst of battle, to smoothly swing to their right, and thrust at the enemy cavalry. 
And here Caesar displayed a new tactic, developed to deal with the Gaulic cavalry. Instead of throwing their spears, Caesar’s legionaries used them as five foot long spikes. The enemy's horses would not hold formation, and were scattered and driven off the field. Caesar’s fourth line now swung through the opening and outflanked Pompey's troops. Now the fourth line pulled their gladius, and the slaughter began.
Pompey saw what was happening and panicked. He rode back to his camp, gathered up his wife and servants. urged his soldiers there to resist Caesar to the death, and then rode for the coast, some say dressed as a peddler. 
Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Caesar’s 22,000 man army lost just 200 legionnaires killed, and 30 Centurions – including the brave Crastinus. Another 800 legionaries were wounded. But because Pompey's army of 45,000 had turned their backs, they left the field littered with 15,000 of their dead.
Once again, Caesar chose to be magnanimous. He separated the soldiers from their Centurions. He put promoted his men in command of Pompey's legions, and he transferred Pompey's officers to positions in his loyal legions, where junior officers and superiors could keep watch over them. Pompey sailed for Egypt, intending on moving on to his allied forces in Tunisia and what is today Libya. He would never make it. But with each step Caesar took to follow Pompey, he took one step closer to his own murder.
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Thursday, February 17, 2022


I have no doubt there were spies in Ravenna (above) on 11 January, 49 B.C.E. There are always spies in border towns, and heading north into Cis-Alpine Gaul (Northern Italy)  the first town you reached  was the  fishing port of Ravenna. (above)  By virtue of his own ego and talent to garner loyalty, a man could be a general here, even a dictator.
But just fifteen miles to the south in the port of Ariminum, he would be answerable to the politicians 200 miles further to the southwest, in the self described center of the civilized world; Rome. And the man the spies from Rome were watching this short winter day was the governor of Cis-Alpine Gaul and the conqueror of  Trans-Alpine Gaul - Julius Caesar.
Caesar's stated reason for being in Ravenna was to check on his investments. The tens of thousands of slaves Caesar had captured in his conquest of  Trans Alpine Gaul (i.e. France) and during his recent invasion of Britain, had be converted into cash. Laborers and house servants could quickly be sold, but gladiators required training. The reward was gladiators could always be sold at a premium, so, of course, Caesar was here to inspect the construction of his gladiator school, and to witness a display of his gladiators in training. 

Then, after a light lunch, Caesar went to the baths, another public appearance for a Roman politician. And in the evening he sat down for a banquet (above), the kind of thing politicians are still expected to do. And as the sun set, according to Plutarch, “...he left the company, having desired them to make merry till his return, which (he assured them) they would not have long to wait for." It was enough to lull most spies to sleep. But the Romans were about to learn what the Gauls had learned before them - if you want to know what Caesar is about to do, you did not watch Caesar. You watch his legions.
When Caesar marched off to Gaul in 58 B.C. the tribune he left guarding his interests was the
flamboyant Publius Clodius Plucher (above).  Over the next five years with his help Roman politics devolved into something akin to the Chicago gang wars of the 1920's. Then  on 18 January, 53 B.C,  100 miles south of Rome, in the little farming village of  Bovilla,  Plucher and his band of thugs ran into thugs under Pompey's leading tribune, Titus Annius Milo. 
During the ensuing brawl -  something which had become common in the dying Roman Republic -  Plucher was stabbed in the back with a spear. He was taken into a tavern to be tended to, but Milo's men dragged him back into the street (above) where he was murdered.  There were two immediate results of this escalation of violence. 
First, Plucher's thugs brought the tribune's body 100 miles back to Rome, where they built his funeral pyre in the middle of Senate House (above), burning the entire building down.  Milo was then convicted of murder. The tribune's lands and businesses were seized, and he was exiled from Rome.  
This had only happened because Pompey had withdrawn his support from Milo, supposedly appalled by his own tribune's actions. So naturally the Senate turned to Pompey to restore law and order, naming him as sole consul, with powers to put down what was described as an insurrection. 
Four years later, with Julius Caesar's (above) ten year term as Governor of both Gauls about to run out, and with him returning in triumph, Pompey was worried about Caesar's ability to sway the populace. When his nervous allies hinted there were few soldiers in Rome to protect the Senate, Pompey reassured them, “I have only to stomp my foot to raise an army”  
Thus it was Pompey as Counsel who suggested on 7 January, 49 B.C, the Senate order Caesar to disband his legions and return to Rome for trial for excesses in his governance of Gaul. 
That action was vetoed by the two Tribunes who were were still loyal to Caesar, Mark Antony and Quintus Cassius Longinus (above). They were promptly driven out of the Rome at sword point. And that left the government entirely in Pompey's hands.
Caesar (above), offered a compromise. He would surrender command of his legions IF Pompey surrendered his post as Sole Counsel. Then both Caesar and Pompey would stand for (and certainly win) election as Co-Counsels., IF Caesar could remain safely in Cis-Alpine Gaul until the results were confirmed. Elected counsels were immune from prosecution. Then Caesar could safely return and both men would rule in Rome for a year. 
Pompey could have accepted the deal simply by resigning. But neither he nor the conservatives in the Senate trusted  Caesar enough to take the offer. When Caesar's ten year term as Governor of both Gauls ran out he would no longer command his 8 legions. And without their swords, the Senate could deal with him. So the Senate and Pompey could afford to wait and watch
Caesar had never expected Pompey would accept the compromise. He had only the XIII Legion (100 cohorts of 360 men each)  with him in Ravenna. 
But before he had even offered the compromise he had ordered the 6,000 veterans of his XII Legion, wintering in the port of Trieste (above), some 140 kilometers to the east at the head of the Adriatic, to join him in Ravenna. His six remaining legions, across the Alps in TransAlpine Gaul, were all similarly ordered to join him in Italy, as soon as possible. This before the compromise was even offered.  
The advance elements of the 12th arrived at the little fishing village a week later.  But long before then, on the afternoon of the 11 January, while Caesar was visiting the baths, his 5,000 infantry and 300 cavalry of the 11th Legion marched out of the “Rimi” gate, headed south.
After dusk, having slipped out on his dinner party,  Caesar made his way on foot to a mill on the outskirts of the Ravinna. 
Here his aides had a carriage pulled by four mules,  waiting. To discourage any spies, Caesar's wagon followed a back road through the surrounding marshes. But they got lost in the dark, and the carriage got stuck in mud.  Dawn found the great Caesar on foot, asking for help from a lowly farmer. 
By mid morning he had finally joined his men, on the banks of the Rubicon (or red) River. The veterans of the XII legion  had followed Caesar from conquest to triumph across Gaul, had even crossed the Rhine and invaded Germania. 
But this was something different, this was an assault on the Senatus, Populusque, Romanus - the Senate and the People of Rome, symbolized by the S-P-Q-R atop every eagle and banner the soldiers followed. It was stamped on the very coins with which they were paid. Nervously the legionaries awaited the stirring speech they expected Caesar to give before asking them to become traitors and outlaws.
Instead, one man suddenly grabbed a trumpet from one of the musicians, raced across the shallow stream blowing “the advance”. Only then did Caesar turn to his officers, and say, “We can still retreat. But once we pass this little stream, there is nothing left but to fight..” Then he called out, “Let us go where the omens of the Gods and the crimes of our enemies summon us” 
As he crossed he is supposed to have said, almost to himself, “ Alea iacta est”, the Latin phrase usually translated as “The die is now cast!”
Across the river Mark Anthony and Cassius Longinus waited, physical evidence of the arrogance of the Senate. Here Caesar drew the XII Legion into a square, tore his robes in a show of humility, and led the soldiers in a personal pledge of fidelity to himself, to Julius Caesar. The Roman Republic was now dead. All that had yet to be done was to bury it. According to Suetonius, his legion now “marched so fast the rest of the way that he reached Ariminum before morning and took it.”
A week later, when word of Caesar's advance arrived in Rome the city was electrified and terrified. Pompey immediately declared martial law in the city.  The Senate voted to replace Caesar as governor of Gaul, with the competent Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus.  Lucius immediately rushed 30 cohorts to the hilltop town of Corninium, south of Rome.
Senator Favonius suggested it was high time that Pompey (above, left) stomped his foot. His problem was Pompey's own legions were in Spain. The city had raised two legions and was assembling a third, but Pompey was not interested in testing them against Caesar's veterans.  And Pompey did not increase his popularity when he informed the aristocratic members of the Senate that they should get out of town. Many denounced Pompey as a coward. But they still followed Pompey and their fellow aristocrats when they grabbed their wealth, and ran.
In their haste the Senators failed to collect the treasury of Rome with them. So the horde of gold and silver looted from Carthage, stolen from Egypt, taxed from Spain and Maccidonia was left waiting when Caesar arrived a the head of a flying column, followed by the VIII Legion.   
They couldn't find the keys to the vaults, so Caesar sent for locksmiths. A Tribune reminded Caesar he was violating the law (above) by breaking into the vaults. Caesar suggested, “If what I do displeases you, leave.” The doors were forced open, and Caesar had enough money to pay his soldiers. But his own murder stepped through that vault door, right next to him.
Meanwhile Caesar kept his men moving southward along the Adriatic coast, capturing additional troops as they marched out to oppose him.  Finally, on 15 February his XII Legion arrived outside of Corfinium, where it was quickly reinforced by XIII Legion. 
Lucius Ahenobarbus had urged Pompey to join him at Corfinium , but instead Pompey replied he was conceding Italy to Caesar.  Finding himself thus out on a limb, Lucius continued to assure his men that Pompey was coming, while he plotted his own escape.  And he might have made it except his troops learned the truth , had their commander drugged, and handed him over to Caesar. Along with some 6 million sestertii.  Thus, instead of being delayed by a bloody battle, Julius Caesar left Corfinium after little more than a week with more men and more money than when he had arrived.      
By the time early March, when Caesar arrived outside of the port of Brundisium, he had six legions. Still Pompey was able to ward off any attack while he loaded his own men on  transports and slipped across the Adriatic to land in Greece, where he could find even more soldiers.  Caesar may have won the battle of Italy, but he had not won the war.
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