I admit the case of “The Two Maids”, Christine and Lea Papin, fascinates me. Although there has never been any doubt as to the horrific nature of their crime, nor as to the guilt of the two women, there has never been a definitive explanation as to why the murders were committed. Approaching now a century later the story still begins and ends with that central mystery - why?
On the evening of Thursday, 2 February, 1933, Monsieur Rene Lancine, a retired lawyer living outside of Le Mans, France (above), left work and arrived at a friend's home for a dinner party only to discover that his wife, Léonie and his daughter Genevieve had not arrived ahead of him. He knew they were both looking forward to the dinner, so he anxiously returned to his own home to search for them.
He arrived shortly after 6:30 to find all the doors of his home locked and the house dark- except for what looked like a single candle burning in the attic room where the families' two servant girls slept. M. Lancine was concerned enough that he immediately went to the police station. Several officers accompanied M. Lancine home again, and one officer climbed over the back wall of the house and thus gained entrance.
In a bedroom on the second floor were the battered and mutilated bodies of Madam and Mademoiselle Lancine, (above) wearing their coats and gloves as if about to go out. The murder weapons were scattered about the landing, dropped from the hands which had wielded them; a kitchen knife, a hammer, and a heavy pewter pot. But the bludgeoning had only been part of the assault.
The eminent psychiatrist Jazues Lacan put it succinctly; “They tore out their eyes as Bacchantes castrate their victims.” One of the daughter’s eyes was found on the carpet. Both of Madam Lancine’s eyes were found in the folds of her scarf, still around her neck.
And in the bare attic room (above) the police discovered the two servant girls, Christine and Lea Papin, naked and huddled together in one bed. Interesting, most of the blood stains were only on one side.
The police wrapped them in overcoats and brought them downstairs, where the first photographers were ready to snap the image of the monsters.
Both girls readily admitted to having committed the murders. But they refused to offer any explanation for the brutal slaughter.
The case was an immediate sensation and a cause celebre’ for every side of the moral and political debate in France - to the Paris tabloids the sisters were “The Monsters of Le Mans” and “Les Arracheuses d’Yeux” (The Eye Gougers), and the murders were “…the most terrifying and cruel murders ever committed.”
Jean Genet, author of “Waiting for Godot” was inspired by the trial to write a play, “The Maids” in which he has Christine say, “Madame likes us like she likes her armchairs. And maybe not that much!” Simone de Beauvior commented, “…there are no doubt women who deducted the cost of a broken plate from their maid’s wages, who put on white gloves to find forgotten specks of dust on the furniture:…one must accuse their childhood orphanage, their serfdom, the whole hideous system set up by decent people for the production of madmen, assassins and monsters.”
And before the victims had even been buried (above), the new science of psychology found dark undertones of incest and sexual abuse , making the removal of the victim’s eyes most significant. The case was a theatre d’ete (a summer theatre), or perhaps a sarriette (a summer treat), in much the same way that the O.J. Simpson trial were to be a half century later. But after 77 years the central mystery of the Papin sisters remains; Why?
There were originally three Papin sisters. When the eldest daughter, Emilia, was 9 years old she was raped by her drunken father. The mother had divorced the beast, but still Emilia was sent to a nunnery and had little to no contact with her family again; punished for being raped.
The divorce dropped the family into bitter poverty. The mother hired out as a house maid, and the two younger sisters were sent to a Catholic orphanage.
And when Lea and Christine were thought to be old enough (their early teens) they too became servants. As often as possible the sisters worked together. But after a few years they no longer spoke to their mother.

However Mademoiselle Lancine was known to be strict about cleanliness, and often ran one of her white gloves across surfaces to inspect Lea's (above) housework. Lately the lady of the house was suffering from depression and had taken to beating Lea. Still, the only thing unusual about the afternoon of 2 February was a badly repaired electric iron which had blown a fuse. And it was this relative minor inconvenience which somehow precipitated the explosion of bloody violence.
After their arrests, the sisters were separated. Christine (above left) began to wail and cry out for her sister. After several days they were allowed contact again, and Christine showered Lea with kisses, and tried to undress her sister. The doctors sent to examine the girls decided that Lea was a simpleton and that Christine was mentally and emotionally unstable. At one point Christine became so distraught at another separation that she tried to gouge out her own eyes, and had to be restrained in a straight jacket.
When their trial finally reached its climax in September of 1933 Christine was sentenced to the guillotine, but this was later commuted to life in prison. Being alone again in prison she went into a profound depression and stopped eating for long periods. Eventually Christine was transferred to an insane asylum, where in 1937 she died of “cahexia”, a diagnoses which basically meant that she simply gave up fighting to stay alive.
Lea (above) was sentenced to ten years of hard labor, of which she served eight. After she was released, Lea was reunited with her mother and they moved south to Nantes, where Lea worked as a chamber maid at a hotel under an assumed name. She died in the year 2000.

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