Saturday, August 12, 2023



I believe that ambitious people tend to be unhappy people. Take Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus (above) as an example, (or Caesar Augustus, for short). He was the first Roman Emperor, beginning about 27 B.C. He was the most ambitious man of his age. He invented the Roman Empire. And he lived longer than all but a couple of the Emperors who followed him. And he had a big funeral in 14 A.D. That's something you get only if you are very ambitious.

Augustus’s last words were, “Did you like the performance?” To which my response is, “In retrospect, it was just okay” because the show ended in a huge bloody confusing mess which I shall now attempt to explain as best I can. Suffice it to say that if Augustus had seen how sorry his empire would end he might have rolled over in his grave, if the barbarians hadn’t scattered his ashes in 420 A.D. as they burned Rome the first time. That is just one of the ways they earned the title of barbarians, from the Romans, of course.   Anyway, the really messy parts start 470 years after Augustus's funeral pyre (above) with the Emperor Julius Nepos. 

Nepos (above) was governor of Dalmatia, across the Adriatic from Italy,  and he got the job as Western Emperor in 474 A.D., because he was married to the niece of Leo I, the Byzantium Emperor, and because he was willing to pay for an army to defeat Glycerius, the guy who had knocked off the previous western Emperor.  In fact Nepos is Latin for nephew, and is also the root of the term “nepotsm”, which tells you almost everything you need to know about this schmuck. 

Nepos was supposed to bring peace and order to the capital of the Western Empire, which was then at Ravenna, Italy, and boy did he ever screw that up. He started out badly by not killing Glycerius.

Instead, after defeating his army and capturing Glyceirus,  Nepos shipped him off to Salona ((above), then the largest port in Dalmatia, where he figured his spies could keep an eye on him. Nepos even made the Glycerius  a Bishop in the Church, assuming, I guess, this act of charity would win Glycerius’ loyalty. But as they say in the Emperor business, no good deed goes unpunished. 

Caesar Augustus (him again) had established the port of Ravenna in the first century B.C. as the primary home for the Roman fleet. By the fourth century of the common era, with the barbarians carrying off half the Roman forum in a fire sale, the capital had been moved first to Milan, and then to the port city because Ravenna (above) was surrounded by swamps and marshes, which offered protection from invading hordes, of which there were plenty around at the time. But so low had Rome fallen by the fourth century the next invading hoards didn’t even have to invade Italy, because they were already there.

Half the army Nepos used to defeat Glyceriys was made up of German barbarians – er, I mean mercenaries, about 30,000 of them, led at this opportune moment by an ambitious German commander, married to a Roman woman. 

His name was Orestes (above, center), and although he had been secretary to Attila the Hun, he does not seem to have been very bright: just ambitious. And that is probably why Nepos figured that Orestes would not catch on when, after overthrowing Glyceriys,  that Nepos as new Emperor ordered Orestes to march off to Gaul with all of his German mercenaries, er, German barbarians.

I suspect it was Orestes wife who explained to him what Nepos was really up to, getting the Germans out of Italy and away from all those rich farms and mines and population centers.  Wives have a way of pointing out when husbands are being particularly dense. Anyway, it was probably she who suggested that Orestes should offer the Germans their own villas and farms right there in Italy, which could be easily stolen from the Roman patricians who owned them. So he did. 

Which is why, on 28 August, 475 A.D. , the Germans marched off not to Gaul but toward Ravenna. Nepos (above) could have stayed and fought, but then he would not have been Nepos. The schmuck jumped ship in the harbor and sailed home for Dalmatia, taking his purple robes with him.

Orestes then walked into Ravenna, where, instead of crowning himself emperor, he put the crown on his son’s head. And again I suspect this was his wife’s idea.

The twelve year old boy was crowned Emperor Romulus Augustus (above), on 31 October,  475 A.D. – what would eventually become Halloween, for anybody who enjoys a sense of irony . Of course Orestes was still the power behind the throne (Romulus was only 12 years old), which is why the graffiti artists labeled their new Emperor “Romulus Augustulus”, which is the Latin diminutive version of the name – meaning “Little Romulus”. It was the kind of sly, nasty political joke which graffiti artists had been scrawling on the alley walls of Rome for a thousand years.  

It’s further proof of the old adage that historians spend centuries struggling to learn from dusty records and scratches on walls what they could have discovered in five minutes by talking to the any guy on any street corner in ancient Rome. And one of histories’ greatest mysteries, unexplained by the dusty records, is why, having won such power and wealth so easily, Orestes then went back on the promise to his mercenaries and refused to hand over the patrician’s lands to them. Did he think all 30,000 Germans were not going to notice?

Oh, they noticed. And quickly rose up under their new commander, Odoacer (above). And this time they were joined by a lot of the regular Roman soldiers, and together, in 476, they all marched on Ravenna.  Now, unlike Nepose, the brave, courageous, dull headed, slow thinking Orestes didn’t have the common sense to run. He was captured just outside the city, and duly executed. Thus is the fate of most ambitious dolts in history.

And on September 4, 476 A.D. “Little Romulus” (above, right) handed over his crown to Odoacer (above, center).  Romulus was, according to most historians, the last Roman Emperor, having been emperor for barely 10 months. His puberty lasted longer than his nobility. 

Odoacer was not a stupid man. I think he likely packed up the little-last Emperor (above) and what was left of his family and shipped them off to prison in Campania, in Southern Italy. And I have to say I hope Romulus was contented there. You see, history seems at times to be the story of ambitious people getting everybody else into trouble, and this kid never had a chance to be ambitious, even if he were so inclined.

The truth is, almost nobody got out of this particular story by natural causes. Poor old Nepos was murdered by his own servants, probably in the pay of Glycerius, on 15 April, 480 A.D.  Odoacer rushed in to fill the political vacuum, repaying Glycerius by appointing him Archbishop of Milan. And Odoacer settled down to run his little empire of Italy and Dalmatia, turning the Adriatic into his own lake.

But such land grabs attracted the suspicions of the new Byzantium Emperor, Zeno (above), who, being an Emperor, was suspicious of anybody as ambitious as himself. So he offered a pile of gold to the King of the Ostrogoths, Theodoric, if he would cut Odoacer down to size.

Theodoric laid siege to Ravenna for three long years. Finally, so the story goes, with both armies suffering from hunger and plague, Theodoric offered Odoacer a truce, which Odoacer agreed to. However, at the celebratory banquet on two February,  493 A.D., Odoacer said something offensive and without warning Theodoric fell on Odoacer and strangled him with his bare hands. Or, maybe, Theodoric  just hired an assassin.  The repetition here is a bit depressing, I agree. 

Little Romulus would outlive most of them, but only because he started younger. Legend says he died about 509 A.D., not yet 35 years old, but still residing in his prison-villa outside of Naples (above). And considering the fate of all the ambitious people in this story, his was a relativity long if not happy, life. Amino Domina, Roman Empire.

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Friday, August 11, 2023



"A leader in the Democratic Party is a boss, in the Republican Party, he is a leader."
Harry Truman
Ohio born from Irish immigrant parents,  eldest son James Pendergast (above) was a steel worker and laborer in Kansas City, Missouri, who struggled to support his large family until he won big - betting on a race horse named Climax.  Or so goes the legend. 
James invested the winnings in a collection of bars (above), a restaurant and hotel in Kansas City, Missouri's West Bottom neighborhood, on the Kansas River flood plain.
The town was then divided between the uptown establishment Republicans who lived on the high ground, and the working class Democrats who were literally on the flood plain (above).  James' business success allowed him to became one of the town’s most powerful councilmen. 
His competition for Democratic votes was Joe Shannon (above) who controlled the Democratic votes in the Kansas City suburbs. But James Pendergast's  first instinct was always to negotiate. and "Big Jim" cut cut a power sharing deal with Shannon, which ultimately worked to Big Jim's advantage.
“You use a saw to shape wood, not a hammer.”
James Pendergast. 1892
Jn the early 1890's James Pendergast hired his youngest brother, Tom (above), as cashier and bookkeeper. Big Jim also schooled Tom in local politics, lecturing him that, “The important thing is to get the votes.” 
In 1900 James (above) secured Tom the position of Superintendent of Streets. Tom immediately hired two hundred new employees, all loyal goats, as Pendergast supporters and voters were called.  Then, in November of 1911, at just 55 years old, big brother James died of kidney failure. 
Tom Pendergast stepped in to fill his brother’s seat on the council, but resigned after just five years. The position was no longer powerful enough for him. Tom’s first instinct was always to go for the power, not the office. 
“Today, politics may be our friend, and tomorrow we may be its victims.”
Owen D. Young. Chairman of General Electric. 1922-1939
In 1916 Tom Pendergast had himself appointed to the leadership of the Jackson County Democratic Party, headquartered in a two story yellow brick building (above, left)  at 1908 Main Street. With the votes from the Irish and Italian neighborhoods in his pocket, Tom became the invisible hand in writing of the new city charter, adopted in 1925. 
“Boss” Tom, as the Republican newspapers called him, could now manipulate both the city and county governments, both the Democratic and Republican parties, from behind the scenes, following a simple rule; The important thing is to get the votes-no matter what.”
“Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”
Plato 400 B.C.E.
Boss Tom’s name never had to appear on another ballot. As one Republican St. Louis writer noted, “Pendergast never did hunt ducks with a brass band. It has always been hard to tell what he is doing, but easy to tell what he has done the day after the election.” 
Tom helpfully described the methods he had learned from his older brother. “Every one of my workers has a fund to buy food, coal, shoes and clothing. When a poor man comes to old Tom's boys for help….we fill his belly and warm his back and vote him our way.”
“Politics have no relation to morals.
Niccolo Machiavelli. 1532
James "Blackie" Audett claimed he knew the methods Boss Tom used to gain power. “My first job in Kansas City was to look up vacant lots…we would give addresses to them vacant lots. Then we would take the address and assign them to people we could depend on – prostitutes, thieves, floaters, anybody we could get on the voting registration books. On election days we just hauled these people to the right places and they went in and voted…”  
It's a standard Republican charge, but a moment's thought will reveal that all vacant lots already have numbers. That is what defines them as vacant. But such Republican smears are still accepted about Kansas City, and all Democratic voting cities, as fact almost a century later. 
“The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority, acting against a divided majority.”
Will Durant.
With the arrival of the Great Depression, Boss Tom did not wait for Hoover to sympathize with Kansas Cities’ 38% unemployment. In November of 1930 the town voted a $40 million bond issue, for a “Ten-Year-Plan”. 
What Kansas got for its investment in the future was the “Power and Light Building”, still a landmark in KC., as well as a new City Hall, the Jackson County Court House, a new Police Headquarters, a new Municipal Auditorium, and several schools. 
When the KC “Star” described all these new buildings as “Pendergast’s concrete pyramids”, Tom merely smiled. And the hundreds of unemployed who found work building Kansas City's future, smiled too. The truth was Pendergast Ready-Mix Cement was a legal business and although fraud was heavily charged it was never proved. But what brought Tom Pendergast down was yet another perfectly legal business; political consultant.
“There are no true friends in politics. We are all sharks circling, and waiting for traces of blood to appear in the water’
Alan Clark. 1974
Since 1922 regulators for the State of Missouri and 137 fire insurance companies had been sparing over rate increases.  As a compromise, for 15 years the companies were allowed to charge higher rates, but the difference between the old and the new rates was impounded, Eventually, the impounded fees reached $10 million. Then, suddenly, the state agreed to a settlement, giving the insurance companies $8 million in higher rates, all their impounded rates, and the right to future increases. 
In May of 1938 Republican Governor Loyd Stark (above, right), a Tom Pendergast pick, ordered an investigation. This investigation uncovered that the insurance companies had delivered a half million dollars in cash to Tom Pendergast as a “political consulting” fee, just before the settlement. Now, since Pendergast had no direct authority over the insurance commissioner, this fee was legal. However it would have been politically embarrassing. And in order to avoid the embarrassment, Boss Tom had not declared the income on his Federal income tax. And that was illegal.
“The hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.”
Adlai Stevenson.
The end came quickly. On 7 April, 1939 Boss Tom (above) was arraigned on two counts of tax fraud. On 22 May, 1939 he pled guilty. 
"Boss" Tom Pendergast paid a fine and served 15 months in prison, and was never involved in Missouri politics again.  His photos reveal a man not nearly as fat as the Republican newspapers wanted him to be.
“An election is coming. Universal peace is declared, and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry.”
George Eliot.
The reformers patted themselves on the back, and the Republicans reveled in their triumph over Democratic sin. Governor Stark (above) hoped to use the toppling of Boss Tom to propel himself into the U.S. Senate. 
But in 1940, Stark lost a nasty election contest to Harry Truman (above), who had been a long time Pendergast man.  After that Stark was through in Missouri politics. 
When Boss Tom died in January of 1945, his funeral was well attended (by President Harry Truman, among others), and the only thing that changed about Missouri politics was the names on the ballots. The working men and women of Kansas City, Missouri, knew he had been their friend, and had thought about them when the Republican bankers and power brokers did not. They erected a statue of him, gazing paternally down upon the bottoms he had risen from.
“If you can’t convince them, confuse them.”
Harry S. Truman.
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